edito:(missatge d'en alex)
Uy! Mersi pel recolçament! Nomes un apunt, no tots els EP son meus, Roterfleck es un Netlabel obert i hi ha colaborat mes gent. www.roterfleck.com
alex martín, el reputat productor de música electrònica ha posat a disposició de tothom 5 dels seus ep's i un cd compilatori del seu segell a internet Roterfleck, on de manera gratuita es dediquen a donar a coneixer les seves creacions i la d'altres artistes, jo m'he enterat via facebook, pero despres he vist que a la pagina de roterfleck també hi son, aqui teniu el missatge del facebook:
alex martin el reputado productor de musica electronica ha puesto a disposicion de todos 5 de sus ep's i un cd compilatorio de su sello en internet Rotefleck, donde de manera gratuita se dedica a dar a conocer sus creaciones i la de otros aristas, yo me he enterado via facebook, pero luego he visto que en la pagina de roterfleck tambien estan, aqui teneis el mensaje de facebook:
We want to keep releasing free quality music.
We want to keep sharing our released works, which includes 5 EP and 1 Album.
We would accept sponsoring or promoting agreements. We even accept money, hardware, love, sex, food, knowledge and everything that will help us to keep it up! ;)
We are also looking for new artist willing to join us!
And on top of that, if you DJ or love our material, please let us know!!! That makes it worth!!!
You can reach us at alientornado@hotmail.com
You can download available releases here:
You can also get them here:
Thank you in advance. Hope you enjoy our music for free!
Alex Martin
We want to keep sharing our released works, which includes 5 EP and 1 Album.
We would accept sponsoring or promoting agreements. We even accept money, hardware, love, sex, food, knowledge and everything that will help us to keep it up! ;)
We are also looking for new artist willing to join us!
And on top of that, if you DJ or love our material, please let us know!!! That makes it worth!!!
You can reach us at alientornado@hotmail.com
You can download available releases here:
You can also get them here:
Thank you in advance. Hope you enjoy our music for free!
Alex Martin
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